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Friday, February 13, 2009

I didn't post much this week ...

Well it's job and life related I guess. I took on another job in addition to my normal IT/ inventory management positions.
I know that my family relies on my job for money, heath care. peace of mind and their standard of living. It's nasty out there and I'll do most anything legal to keep things status quo. This last week I spent every hour doing a job I used to think was below my position (hell I trained them in many ways) , but I still get a check and when it comes right down to it I committed myself to my company and will continue to do so until they violate my personal standard of accountability.
The boss doesn't have to be smart or right, but as long as he's trying to be ethical I can't fault him.

Next week I can post more, I'll have a new profession that gives me another perspective on life.

PS. I still owe a post on what to do when you're unemployed, I started it but it needs a lot of work as it's just not that easy.



Anonymous said...

well even if this week didn't have much the blog is interesting as a whole.


Rick said...

Thanks Adam, I'm doing my best and I have a lot to share. If I had to join the ranks of the unemployed I'd be posting like an SOB.

kymber said...

I agree...I really like the different topics covered in the blog as a whole....keep it up Rick!

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