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Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Gleaners are a great concept. In general it's people who need food, who will come and get (clean) produce from a field or orchard that is no longer economically viable to harvest. Stuff that would just rot.

Why doesn't this program happen everywhere? There should be a clearing house for users and providers, a method to donate so the provider can get a kickback for a donation. Many users, ie. gleaners would be willing to help out the provider while they're out in the field, making the next years harvest more effective.

Don't get me wrong, that food being chopped up into the dirt does put minerals back into the earth.

Is that the best way to put it back in?


1 comment:

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

I volunteered at the Okanagan Gleaners last week. I have been looking into getting a barrel of soup mix from their facility to one of our School Meals programs.

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